The Four Energy Gates is a series of gentle acupressure movements to help create balance and support our overall well-being. The gentle massages are based on the traditional Chinese medicine understanding of the body as both physical and energy. The meridians are energy pathways that support our physical body and our emotional well-being. Good free flowing energy through the meridians helps to sustain our well-being. Acupuncture is one of the main treatment techniques to support the flow of energy through the meridians. The Four Energy Gates also help to support our meridians. We can think of them as Four Energy Gates for Well-being.
Presenter:Dr.Sandra Lewis
Dr. Sandra Y. Lewis, Author of Life in 4-Part Harmony ~ Get Everything in Your Life to Work With Everything Else in Your Life, is a clinical psychologist. She is a certified Medical Qigong Practitioner, Dragon’s Way Qigong® Instructor and yoga teacher. She continues her a long history of wellness education in her Wu Ming Qigong studies with Qigong Grand Master, Dr. Nan Lu. Dr. Lewis, Founder of The Living Source, is on a mission to uplift women. As a Personal Energy Strategist, she works with women to free themselves from exhaustion, stress, and feeling overwhelmed so that they have the energy to reconnect to their passion and bring their best to the people and projects that matter to them.