Please check our Monthly Programs.
We offer supportive programs based on the Healing Arts, since 2010. Programs are led by people who have made the Healing Arts their passion and graciously share their knowledge and inspiration.
All of our programs are free of charge for women with any type of cancer, before, during and after treatment.
Upcoming Events
Verona, NJ 07044 United States
Restore serenity within your body, mind, and spirit through our transformative somatic chakra healing workshop. Join us as we explore somatic self-touch, Reiki, sound healing, and breath to harmonize and revitalize each chakra. Presenter: Julia Abramova Julia Abramova is an Integrative Somatic Practitioner, who specializes in helping people live better in their bodies through a synergistic application of Somatic Experiencing®, Somatic Touch, Ayurveda, Yoga […]

Verona, NJ 07044 United States
A class to soothe, restore, and find space in body, mind and spirit through the yoga poses as well as props. We'll use breathing techniques to calm the body and mind and yoga poses to open the body. Modifications will be given. For all levels.If you have blocks, towels, yoga mat or a strap please bring. Not necessary, but always nice. Presenter: Marcie Wallace […]

Verona, NJ 07044 United States
Self-compassion is a concept in emphasizing kindness and understanding towards oneself during moments of failure, suffering, or inadequacy. It involves treating yourself with the same care, support, and encouragement that you would offer to a good friend in a similar situation. Join us for this interactive workshop where we’ll explore these concepts and have a greater understanding of the costs of self-judgment and how […]

Verona, NJ 07044 United States
Ayurveda is a holistic science that looks at wellness as a whole: perfect health is defined as a state of balance between mind, body, spirit, and social well-being.Rather than treating only the symptoms, Ayurveda focuses on finding and treating the root cause of disease.We will conclude with a Heart Light Meditation. Presenter: Susan Helmstetter Susan Helmstetter is a Certified Yoga Instructor receiving Yoga Teaching […]

Sound therapy helps us to shift away from the vibrational frequencies of stress, anger, fear, and negativity. The vibrations of the Himalayan Singing Bowls help to tune us at the cellular level, creating harmony that radiates through our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers. Benefits can include deep relaxation, stress reduction, lower blood pressure, improved concentration, increased creativity and heightened intuition. The peace and […]

Past Events
Verona, NJ 07044 United States
Movement Heals, is a workshop that was born after my adventure through breast cancer in 2010. My company, moe-tion dance theater, and I, were in the process of creating a new work when I broke the news. We all cried together, hugged it out and then continued creating our work which I titled, Cope. I asked each dancer to create gestures that related to feeling […]

This program will be filled with practical techniques to enhance balance during challenging times. Using breath, movement, intention, energy awareness and relaxed focus we can drastically change our state of being powerful and simple Qigong exercises plus targeted meditation techniques are some of the invaluable resources you will gain. Effective stress reduction methods are included. Presenter: Gary McCabe Gary T. McCabe, the founder of […]

Verona, NJ 07044 United States
“Everybody is talented, original and has something important to say.” Brenda Ueland "For our writing to be a healing experience, we honor our pain, loss, and grief.” Louise de Salvo Come tap into the voice and language that is uniquely yours. Honor the story that only you can tell. Discover how writing can be a life tool. Come write about what you carry…..Join us […]

Verona, NJ 07044 United States
Join Lara for an interactive exploration of beautiful healing rhythms, dances and songs from West Africa. Participants are guided through an engaging exploration of traditional music, movement and indigenous instruments. Individual expression, teamwork, performing arts, diversity and wellness are highlighted. Lara is a multidisciplinary, humanitarian artist and arts educator whose belief is that creativity is our essence, and art is for everyone. She is […]